May 01, 2014

My personal weight coach

My best friend is Sylvia, a tomboy whom I knew from high school. After graduating from high school, we stayed in touch with each other. And from time to time, usually a few times a year, we visit each other.

During one visit at her place, my former classmate remarked:

"Sam, you have a littly belly, haven't you?" I nodded, and replied:

"Yes, I am a little bit overweight."

"Do you have plans to do something about it?"

"I intend to do physical exercises, but you know..." "You mean you haven't the discipline to do so?" "Yes."

Then Sylvia got a big smile on her face.

"Maybe, I can help you."

A little bit amazed, I asked:


"I can help you with your lack of discipline."

"Please, explain."

"What you need is a clear program of exercises, and weight loss targets  with deadlines. I can make schedule for you. Let's say that you have to lose five kilograms in six months, we could agree that each month you try to get rid of one kilogram."

"I understand your schedule. However, the problem is that you need to do exercises, and if I forget those... You know."

"I see, and therefore it's necessary that there are consequences if you don't lose your with in time."

"Consequences? What consequences?" I curiously asked my friend.

Sylvia stood up, and left the living. A few moments later she returned, now with a whip in her hands.

"I got this whip as a birthday present a few years ago."

I didn't need a further explanation what my former classmate meant with consequences.

"So you're going to whip me, if I don't lose enough weight?" "Exactly."

To my own surprise I wasn't shocked. On the contrary I felt a little bit excited by Sylvia's proposal.

"The first thing we need to do, is to establish how much weight you need to lose," Sylvia explained to me. "Hence I need to measure your length and weight." "Yes."

"Sam, could you take off your clothes, please? Only your boxer short can you keep on." "Yes, I could."

And slowly I started to remove my clothes. Meanwhile Sylvia collected a measuring tape and a weight scale. And when was standing in my boxer, the young woman said:

"Go stand against the wall."

I did what Sylvia instructed me. And when I stood against the wall, she put a small pencil line on the wall at the height of the top of my head. Subsequently she measured the length from the floor to the line. Thereafter I had to stand on the scale, and she noted down my weight.

Then my former classmate took her smartphone, and she entered my length and weight into some app.

"Sam, according to this app, you're six kilograms overweight. Hence I would suggest, that we agree that you will lose half an kilogram every two weeks." "That seems reasonable." "All right, then I suggest the following rules to follow. First, you will do twice a day ten minutes of exercises, I will give you list of suggestions you could do. Second, you will only take three meals a day. If you follow these rules you will lose your weight according to our schedule."

Sylvia took a short break.

"I will only measure your weight, that's the only way I will check what you do. But if you haven't met your target I will whip you. For each kilogram above schedule, you will receive ten strokes with this whip.

"And once you are at your proper weight, we will continue this program, but then to keep you on your right weight. Okay?" "Yes, Sylvia."

Since I thought we were finished, I tried to collect my clothes. But my friend stopped me.

"Before you put your clothes back on, I suggest you will receive ten strokes with the whip. In that way, you will know what it felt to be whipped." "Okay." "Put your hands on your knees, and bent over." "Yes, Sylvia."

When I was in position, she hit me with her whip.

"Sam, I will whip you with harshly, because it's intended as a deterrent. Severe pain is therefore necessary." "I understand."

And after ten force full blows, I had difficulty to sit for the next few days. According to my best friend Sylvia this would keep me line with my exercises. And she was quite right, at least for the first few weeks...

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